Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Piano Story For Your Christmas Gift

A boy and a girl were born 2 years and 68 days apart. The little boy and the little girl started taken piano lessons at age 6 until age 16. The little boy hated it. The little girl loved it.

At age 23 and 21 they married and the little boy declared that there would never be any piano's in his house because he hated them. The little girl loved the little boy so she agreed.

The little boy died quickly and without warning at age 57. The little girl was 55 and heartbroken. The love of her life was gone. She had nowhere to express her grief so she bought a piano at a garage sale for a few dollars. She couldn't remember the notes. She would play the radio and peck out the tune by ear. The next day she added the base. The next week the harmony. She started dreaming the tunes as she fell asleep. She started dreaming she was playing the piano fully and completely. She would pray before she fell asleep that the good Lord would give her back her memory of all her piano lessons one by one. And he did.

Later the little girls children had children so she decided to give them piano lessons when they turned 6. There was a little girl and the little boy that were 2 years and 68 days apart in age. So when they turned 6 - they started the lessons. The little boy loved it. The little girl hated it

Not the end.