Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not For The Faint Of Heart...

The Extreme Midget Wrestling Federation Is Coming To Casper!

I don't know what you talk about at breakfast, over your eggs and bacon, but this was one of our topics - extreme midget wrestling.    The big worry would be if the roads were bad (to Casper) and we might not be able to get there.   We would also be out the price of the ticket  - 20 bucks.

Along the same lines we also talked about new regulations that would make it illegal to walk and text.   The lively discussion finally ended with the realization that things should be left alone.   If someone is walking and texting and happens to fall into a fountain or is crossing a busy street and walks right into the path of a bus going 50 miles per hour - well that's just natural selection isn't it! 

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